An event manager is responsible for planning and delivering an event. If you plan to use public space to run an event, they will need to submit an event application. Fees may apply.
Complete the event application form online
What is a public space?
- Road, street, footpath, mall, court or alley
- Public garden, reserve, or other place of public recreation
- Sports grounds and facilities
- Waterways
- Open space to which the public have or are permitted access
- Crown Land
- Land owned by or managed by Council
Does the number of people attending matter?
Your event will require a permit, no matter the size. Knowing how many people plan to attend your event will help us ensure their safety.
Smaller events may only need a Local Law Activity Permit.
Depending on the location of your event and the number of people expected to attend, you may need to fill out a crowded places assessment guide form and return it as part of your Event Application. This is determined on a case-by-case basis so please contact us to discuss your requirements.
How to apply
- Complete the event application form.
- Include your supporting documents with your application form.